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Dual Master Georgia Tech-UTP (Admission process)


The GATECH-UTP Dual Master’s Degree in Engineering and Supply Chain Management program offers the unique combination of a world-class supply chain degree taught in a truly global setting.

The GATECH-UTP program builds on the top-ranked curriculum at the Georgia Institute of Technology. One year of  challenging coursework, cutting edge research, and industry interaction provide to the graduates with the problem solving and leadership skills that companies seek in an increasingly complex and dynamic marketplace.

Admission Process

a. Technological University of Panama

All applicants must submit the documents listed below to the Program Coordination Office at the Industrial Engineering School.

  • Minimum Bachelor's degree index of 2.00/3.00.
  • Two (2) copies of the Bachelor's degree diploma (checked against the original by the Office of the Registrar or the Academic Secretariat of the Regional Centers).
  • Two (2) copies of graduate credits (checked against original by the Office of the Registrar or the Academic Secretariat of the Regional Centers).
  • Certification of Equivalent Academic Index issued by the Office of the Registrar of the Technological University of Panama, for graduates of private universities with a qualification system different from that of the Technological University of Panama.
  • Two (2) passport size photos.
  • Two (2) copies of identification card.
  • Submit one (1) letter of application addressed to the Program Coordinator of the Industrial Engineering School (Dr. Carmen Castaño).
  • To have taken the English placement test at the Specialized Language Center of the Technological University of Panama, from which a certification of the score obtained must be obtained.
  • To have passed the GRE and TOEFL admission exams required by Georgia Institute of Technology (For more information, please contact www.ets.org).

b. Georgia Tech

For admission requirements go to:

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La Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá (UTP) en todas sus actividades tiene la calidad como principio esencial, el mismo que se concreta en una atención eficaz y eficiente a las sugerencias y/o quejas que se puedan presentar en el devenir de su actuación. El objetivo de buzón de sugerencias y/o quejas formulado a través de Internet es ofrecer una respuesta ágil a las manifestaciones de insatisfacción o propuestas de mejora relacionadas con las diversas actividades que realiza la Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá(UTP), informando a sus colaboradores y público en general interesado de las actuaciones realizadas y, en su caso, de las medidas adoptadas. Para lograr este objetivo es imprescindible su colaboración, complete el formulario. Más información sobre el Buzón de Sugerencias y Quejas.
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