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Maestria Dual Georgia Tech-UTP

Program Curriculum

Diversity in the student body is an important characteristic of the GATECH-UTP program. While applicants are expected to have an aptitude for analytical thinking, a previous degree in engineering is not required. Work experience from a variety of operational and management responsibilities provides a valuable background for the GATECH-UTP program. However, we do welcome exceptional students with little or no work experience. We invite applicants from a wide range of backgrounds.

a. Profile of the incoming students:
Students of the Dual Master’s Degree Program in Engineering and Supply Chain Management shall be people with interest in the formal development of logistics based on design methodologies, interest in research with a critical thought capability, creativity and inventiveness to address new problems, or to innovate by offering solutions to actual problems related to supply chains, strategy, information systems, transportation systems, and manufacturing.

They must also possess communication skills and a willingness to work in teams to tackle complex problems involving different specialties. Finally, they must have a level of knowledge of the English language that allows them to follow a text and a course in this language. Apart from the general profile, they must have a strong mathematics and statistics foundation, and also training in some key areas of modern technology.

b. Profile of the graduates:
Graduates of this program shall be able to:

  • Collect and analyze databases appropriately.
  • Apply quantitative methods for modeling and analysis of global supply chains.
  • Work in teams.
  • Describe problems, recognizing their difficulties and develop and evaluate potential solutions.
  • Effectively present results.
  • Determine the impact of solutions in the global, economic, environmental and social context.
  • Continue learning and to develop within their field.
  • Effectively participate in organizations where they are involved.
  • Have a broad knowledge of matters relevant to the domain of global supply chains.
  • Have an understanding of professional and ethical responsibilities.

c. Competencies to be developed by the student

  • Application of the scientific method.
  • Critical analysis of the literature on specialized technology.
  • Evaluation of issues and the contemporary needs of industry.
  • Ability to work in multidisciplinary teams.
  • Ability to present their work in English in front of the scientific community in national or international events.
  • Greater scientific capacity to participate in doctoral programs fostered by national and international bodies (e.g. SENACYT); and at the same time, the academic work carried out will be commensurate with the demands of international universities.

e. Syllabus

f. Course Descriptions

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